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Wood and resin pendant with Lotus Flower symbol


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If you are looking for a one-piece to add to your jewellery collection or something special to give as a gift, this pendant is perfect for you. Made of wood trattato e lavorato, questo ciondolo Symbolily è un pezzo unico e speciale. Il ciondolo ha un simbolo antico ed è un pezzo unico che aggiungerà un tocco speciale a qualsiasi abbigliamento. Che ti stia vestendo per un evento speciale o che tu voglia semplicemente aggiungere un po’ di personality to your everyday look, this pendant is the perfect choice.

Don't wait any longer, add a Symbolily wood and resin pendant with symbol to your jewellery collection today.

Symbolily pendants are handmade, so it is normal to find some tiny bubbles or small irregularities; it is these imperfections that make each pendant unique.