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Amulet with Vegvisir protection symbol


Amulet Symbolily with Vegvisir protection symbol

The Symbolily amulet version is designed for be carried with you at all times. You can carry it in your pocket, backpack, handbag or car. They are covered with a light protective layer that protects them from minor scratches. The symbols used are known and used as protection symbols around the world. They come with a jute bag for additional protection. They are also excellent as gift.

Vegvisir protection symbol

The symbol Vegvisir originated in Iceland,. It is a very famous and powerful symbol that gives protection. It was discovered in an ancient manuscript and the description of the symbol was as follows:

"If someone carries this symbol with him, he will never lose his way in a storm or in bad weather, even if he travels along a road unknown to him."

Dimensions: ~ 8.5cm x 0.5cm