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Sacred and empowering symbol Metatron Cube

1. What is the Metatron Cube?

The Cube of Metatron is an ancient symbol which explains how everything in the universe is interconnected and how you can apply this knowledge to your life.

The Metatron cube is a cube with six sides. If we place this side on the axis of x=0 and y=0, we get a perfect cube with sides of 1/6 of a circle. (1/6=1.664, so 1/6 of a circle becomes 1/6 of a cube). When placed according to the directions indicated on a hexagram, it forms the number 6.

If we take it in a straight line, we get 6 x 108 = 6,656,000, which is equivalent to the number of letters in the sacred Hebrew alphabet, Meta (א-Tet). 

With this numerical value, the cube shows its numerical value: the value 6,656,000, meaning 6,656 years, is included in many religious texts, especially in the Bible.
Six (6) is also an important number in numerology, it is an excellent number when trying to connecting to higher realms of consciousness.

Hidden purpose

We are all slaves to many hidden forces and esoteric diaries of cabalistic organisations and ET behind the scenes. Like the gematria of South America, this cube has a symbolic value. In all situations that require a deeper explanation or perception, this form will help you find the answer.

The Metatron cube intuitively relates to human consciousness through its perfect, symmetrical shape and perfect number.

The geometry of the Metatron cube is perfect for meditation thanks to its straight, geometric sides. It is a significant shape for all masters who wish to achieving enlightenment.

The Metatron cube powerfully energises your energy grids. This is because it increases vitality, virility and critical thinking.

2. How does the Metatron cube relate to human consciousness?

Metatron is the angel that God used to create the universe, and the Metatron cube has 6 sides, 7 vertices, and is enclosed by 12 triangles representing the 12 layers of consciousness. Each of the 6 faces of the Metatron cube represents one of the 6 dimensions of consciousnessFinally, each of the 7 faces of this cube represents a different stage of human consciousness.

4. Other meanings of the Metatron cube and how it relates to human consciousness

The Metatron cube is a representation of the Platonic solids. Platonic solids are a set of geometric shapes that are said to contain the essence of the universe.

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